Ansible Deployment Automation

Ansible Deployment Automation

Ansible, an open-source tool developed by Michael DeHaan and introduced in 2012, was designed to simplify the complexities of software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. The project quickly gained traction and, in 2015, was acquired by Red Hat, which continues to maintain and support it today. Introducing Ansible At its core, Ansible operates by…

Kubernetes Container Orchestration System

Kubernetes Container Orchestration System

In today’s technology landscape, as the shift towards microservices architecture continues to gain momentum, containerization has emerged as a key player. Containers have revolutionized the way we build, package, and deploy software by creating isolated environments for running applications. Among the numerous tools available for managing containers, one name consistently stands out: Kubernetes. Intro to…

IntelliJ IDEA Integrated Development Environment

IntelliJ IDEA Integrated Development Environment

In the world of software development, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) play a crucial role in enhancing productivity and efficiency. One such powerful and popular IDE is IntelliJ IDEA. Developed by JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA is a robust Java-based IDE that extends support to a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and technologies, making it a go-to…

RabbitMQ Message Broker

RabbitMQ Message Broker

As applications have become more complex and distributed in the modern technical landscape, efficient communication between different parts and components has become more critical. Message queue/broker software has been developed to handle this need for communication between various aspects of software applications. RabbitMQ is one of the most popular open-source message brokers. Let’s take a…

NGINX Web Server

NGINX Web Server

Introducing NGINX NGINX is an open-source software application that can be used as a web server, reverse proxy server, load balancer, and HTTP cache. NGINX was designed with the objective of addressing the C10k problem, which refers to the difficulty traditional web servers had in handling more than ten thousand simultaneous connections. NGINX Quick Facts…

Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform

In the rapidly evolving world of cloud computing, Microsoft Azure has emerged as a key player, offering an extensive portfolio of services to organizations of all sizes. Since its launch in 2010, Azure has been competing fiercely with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), capitalizing on Microsoft’s established customer base and infrastructure….

MySQL Database

MySQL Database

MySQL is one of the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS) in the world, widely used by developers and other IT personnel for its reliability, robustness, and adaptability. Developed in the mid-90s by a Swedish company, MySQL AB, the system was acquired by Sun Microsystems in 2008, which was then bought by Oracle Corporation…

ISO 20022 Standard Versus SWIFT MT

ISO 20022 Standard Versus SWIFT MT

The ISO 20022 standard, launched in 2004, was designed for the financial industry as a universal messaging protocol developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The standard provides a common platform for the development of messages using a standardized approach, process, and methodology. It was created to streamline and improve cross-border and domestic payment…

Visual Studio Code IDE

Visual Studio Code IDE

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), a product of Microsoft, has quickly gained popularity among developers since its launch in 2015. This open-source integrated development environment (IDE) offers a seamless blend of simplicity, speed, and full-fledged coding features that cater to a wide array of programming languages and platforms. Platform Support and Compatibility Visual Studio Code…