SEMRush search engine marketing optimization tool

SEMRush SEO Search Engine Marketing Tool

SEMRush is used by search engine marketers throughout the world to optimize their efforts to use search engine marketing to promote products, companies, and other interests.

SEMRush has a comprehensive suite of SEO and paid search marketing tools that give users an advantage in understanding how to determine what content to publish and how to optimize their published content so that it gets as much exposure as possible for the cheapest cost possible. SEMRush can significantly increase the efficiency of search engine marketing campaigns if used appropriately.

I’m going to walk you through the various aspects of SEMRush and explain how to use the tools to improve how you use your internet marketing budget. I will also discuss SEMRush plans and pricing, and I will describe some complementary and competing products that you could use with SEMRush or as substitutes.

The video review provides a feature walkthrough of SEMRush tools. I will cover the details of these features below in my article, but this video provides a good overview of what is available with the toolset published by SEMRush.

SEMRush Keyword Research

SEMRush publishes a set of 6 keyword research tools that you can use to understand what people are searching for related to the product or interest you are trying to promote through search engines.

Here is a list of those tools:

  • Keyword Overview
  • Organic Research
  • Keyword Magic
  • Keyword Gap
  • Keyword Manager
  • Organic Traffic Insights

These six tools provide extensive data about everything from general keyword popularity and competitiveness so specifics about how to be better at attracting people for the keywords you are targeting.


SEMRush On-Page SEO Tools

SEMRush has three on-page SEO tools that you can use to audit how your pages are set up in light of meeting general best practices as well as in the perspective of the keywords you’re trying to target with the web pages you’re publishing.

Here are the 3 On-Page SEO tools available from SEMRush:

  • Site Audit
  • On Page SEO Checker
  • Log File Analyzer

These tools can be used to do everything from motivating you to change content on a page to attract more targeted traffic to updating technical details to make your website more cooperative with Google and other search engines.

SEMRush Competitor Analysis Tools

Evaluating what your competitors are doing and what’s working well for them is made possible through a set of five tools published by SEMRush that provide detailed information about your website’s competitors.

Here are the five competitor analysis tools available from SEMRush.

  • Traffic Analytics
  • Organic Research
  • Advertising Research
  • Brand Monitoring
  • Social Media Tracker

These tools are comprehensive and varied in the way that they look at competing websites. You can make use of one of them at a time to make improvements in your own marketing, or you can use the entire suite of tools to implement a more complete marketing strategy based upon what your competitors are doing.

SEMRush Content Marketing Tools

SEMRush has created a set of seven tools that help you understand what topics to publish content around, what to include in that content, and how to optimize the content so that you hit your target.

Here are SEMRush’s 7 content marketing tools:

  • Topic Research
  • Marketing Calendar
  • SEO Content Template
  • SEO Writing Assistant
  • Brand Monitoring
  • Post Tracking
  • Content Audit

Each of these tools is valuable on its own. In order to use them all, you’ll likely need a full marketing team. Either way, SEMRush’s content marketing tools are available for making content publishing easier and more predictable.

SEMRush Local SEO Tools

Using local SEO is traditionally more of a niche industry for locally-oriented businesses. The four tools published by SEMRush under their Local SEO category are designed to help everyone from plumbers to restaurants to car dealers to accountants to churches and everyone in between to make their businesses more visible to their local area or to people in whatever geography they serve.

Here are the 4 tools published by SEMRush to help with local SEO:

  • Listing Management
  • Position Tracking
  • On Page SEO Checker
  • Social Media Toolkit

Some of these tools overlap a bit with general SEO practices, but they’re made available from SEMRush to give locally-oriented businesses an advantage in attracting more of the right kinds of customers.

SEMRush Rank Tracking Tools

Keeping track of how your SEO efforts are paying off is critical for making adjustments and getting better. SEMRush has three different rank tracking tools designed to help you understand how your pages are performing in search rankings (SERPs).

Here are the 3 rank tracking tools available from SEMRush:

  • Position Tracking
  • Sensor
  • Ranks

These rank tracking tools from SEMRush provide a dashboard for ranking success, including allowing you to see where your published content has done well, where it needs to be updated, and where you might need to spend some time building links or making other adjustments.

SEMRush Social Media Management Tools

SEMRush has two tools that allow you to be more efficient at publishing content on social media and for spending your social media ad money with intelligence.

Here are the 2 SEMRush social media management tools:

  • Social Media Poster
  • Social Media Ads

These tools perform many of the functions that similar tools from other vendors provide, but they are built with the special touch that SEMRush gives to all of its tools and functionality.

SEMRush Link Building Tools

The executives and product owners at SEMRush understand how critical link building is to the SEO ecosystem. They’ve spent a great deal of effort laying out the link landscape to give you actionable data for your link building campaigns through five link building tools they publish.

These are the link building tools available from SEMRush:

  • Backlink Analytics
  • Backlink Audit Tool
  • Backlink Gap Tool
  • Bulk Backlink Analysis
  • Link Building Tool

Using these tools, SEO personnel can be more aggressive, more intentional about building up the authority of their domain in general as well as targeting specific pages they want to rank better.

SEMRush Competitor SEO Analysis Tools

SEMRush’s set of five tools dealing with competitor information is different from their Competitor Analysis Tools. These tools focus more on the efforts of competitors to organically rank well.

Here are the 5 competitor SEO analysis tools available from SEMRush:

  • Organic Research
  • Keyword Gap
  • Backlink Analytics
  • Backlink Gap
  • My Reports

This group of tools provides website marketers with an arsenal of opportunities to learn from competitors, mimic what they’re doing well, and lower your cost per acquisition for customers as you more finely tune the search engines to bring traffic, having learned from what you can see your competitors doing.

SEMRush Content Creation and Distribution Tools

SEMRush’s three content creation and distribution tools help you to create a larger content net more efficiently that if you didn’t have those tools available.

Here are the 3 tools for content creation and distribution that are available with SEMRush:

  • Topic Research
  • Content Marketplace
  • Social Media Poster

Getting more search traffic and being successful normally revolves around publishing well-written, engaging content quickly and spreading it widely. These tools from SEMRush can help you with that objective.

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