Vue.JS Javascript Web Development Framework

Vue.js: An Insider’s Guide to the Progressive JavaScript Framework

Introducing Vue

Vue.js, simply referred to as Vue, is a modern open-source JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Created by former Google engineer Evan You in 2014, Vue has gained immense popularity due to its gentle learning curve, flexibility, and efficiency. Vue’s design was inspired by AngularJS and React, taking the best from both worlds and adding its own unique strengths.

Vue Quick Facts

  • Creation: Vue.js was created by Evan You, a former Google engineer, in 2014.
  • Purpose: It’s a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications.
  • Ease of Use: Vue.js stands out for its simplicity and its gentle learning curve, making it an ideal choice for beginners to JavaScript frameworks as well as seasoned professionals.
  • Integration: Vue’s core library focuses solely on the view layer, making it easy to integrate with other libraries or existing projects.
  • Popularity and Community: It has grown in popularity due to its flexibility and performance, and has a vibrant community that contributes to its rich ecosystem of libraries and tools.
Official Vue Resources

Ease of Use and Integration

Vue’s core library focuses on the view layer only, which makes it easy to integrate with other libraries or existing projects. Additionally, Vue’s syntax is straightforward and very similar to HTML, making it easy for developers coming from a background of HTML and JavaScript.

Reactivity and Two-Way Data Binding

Vue provides reactive data binding and composable view components. Like Angular, Vue offers two-way data binding, which is the synchronization between the model and the view. Any changes in the data reflect instantly on the view and vice versa. It uses a Virtual DOM and can also render components on the server-side, or even as native mobile apps using Weex.

Component-Based Architecture

Vue has a component-based architecture, which means you can create reusable custom elements in your code. Components are reusable Vue instances with a name, and they help to keep your UI organized and maintainable.


Vue uses directives, which are special attributes with the v- prefix. They apply reactive behavior to the rendered DOM. They can control both the structure of the DOM (e.g., v-if, v-for) and its attributes (e.g., v-model, v-show).

Vue CLI and Vue DevTools

The Vue CLI is a full system for rapid Vue.js development. It provides project scaffolding, a development server with hot-reload, linter, testing frameworks, and more. Vue also has its DevTools extension for debugging your applications.


For state management in large applications, Vue offers Vuex. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application. It ensures that the state can only be mutated predictably and is inspired by the Flux architecture from Facebook.

Use Cases

Companies like Alibaba, Xiaomi, and Adobe have used Vue.js in their projects. Vue is well-suited for developing single-page applications and complex web interfaces. It’s also a good choice for projects where you need a lightweight, fast, and flexible solution.

Vue.js stands out in the crowded JavaScript landscape with its simplicity, flexibility, and performance. Its gradual learning curve makes it an excellent choice for both beginners to JavaScript frameworks and seasoned professionals. With its growing community and rich ecosystem of supporting libraries and tools, Vue.js could be the perfect tool for your next web development project.

Vue.js Code Examples

Example 1: Basic Vue Instance


var app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    message: 'Hello Vue!'


<div id="app">
  {{ message }}

This is a basic Vue instance. el: '#app' tells Vue to bind this instance to the element with the id “app”. In the data object, we have a message property. In the HTML, {{ message }} will display the value of message from the data object.

Example 2: Two-Way Data Binding

Now let’s make it interactive with Vue’s v-model directive, which provides two-way data binding:


var app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    message: 'Hello Vue!'


<div id="app">
  <input v-model="message">
  <p>{{ message }}</p>

In this example, v-model directive is creating a two-way data binding on the “message” property. So, if you type in the input field, you’ll see that the message in the <p> tag is updated in real time.

Example 3: Vue Component

Vue also allows you to define reusable components:


Vue.component('hello-component', {
  template: '<h1>Hello from the component!</h1>'

var app = new Vue({
  el: '#app'


<div id="app">

In this example, we define a new Vue component with Vue.component. The first argument is the component’s name, which is used as a custom element in the HTML. The second argument is an object that defines the component’s options, in this case, a template for the component.

These are basic examples intended to give you an idea of how Vue works. Vue.js offers a wide range of features and tools like computed properties, watchers, Vue Router for routing, Vuex for state management, etc., which are crucial for building complex applications.

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